Enlightened Life
The psychology of being enlightened in daily life.
Enlightened Life
Learning to be enlightened in the world.
Enlightened Life
Being happy as a way of life.


Watch David’s Videos

There is nowhere
else to go

Meditation Class Sunday July 4 2021

An enlightened person keeps it to themselves

Meditation Class Jul 2, 2021

Concepts are not the truth

Meditation Class Tuesday June 29

“In my books and teaching, I have discovered that probably due to my functioning as a psychologist, I explain and extrapolate the wisdom teachings and practices in a way that is useful to many people. I have found that the idea of enlightenment and the recognition of it as a fact of existence are self-evident and are usually seen relatively easily by most people. Unfortunately, once enlightenment is understood, there is a pervasive misunderstanding that the recognition and relief involved means that there will be an immediate transformation and a blissful existence. This magical notion is the source of frustration, confusion, and years of seeking and being dependent on gurus and traditions from another era and another part of the world. Unfortunately, many teachers will either participate in the misunderstanding or take advantage of it.

“What is needed is a contemporary understanding of what enlightenment is that includes what the modern world can contribute. Quantum psychics, brain science, and many psychological models incorporating the transcendental possibility illuminate and expand the traditional view. This contemporary form of teaching can assist in recognizing reality in a non-dual context that eliminates the suffering inherent to a misconstrued perception of what is happening. This understanding and the possibility of living an enlightened life in the ordinary context of daily living is the focus of my work.”


An approach to ending psychological suffering based on the ancient wisdom tradition of Advaita or Self Realization. This is a presentation of the essential teaching of this direct path to freedom that focuses on the recognition and realization of the True Self.


This is a book that provides the reader with an opportunity to experience a direct perception of what is commonly referred to as enlightenment, particularly in the Zen tradition.


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